
REST Cheat Sheet

Representational state transfer was introduced and defined in 2000 by Roy Fielding in his doctoral dissertation.


An HTTP method is said to be safe if it does not change the state of a resource when invoked. GET and HEAD methods are safe, they retrieve data and no matter how many times they are called the state of the resource is not changed. POST is sometimes safe if it is used to retrieve data and does not create or update. Some purest may say that POST should only be used to create a resource, but in many real-world implementations you will see form POST used for complex queries or data retrieval.


An HTTP method is idempotent if it can be called multiple times and the end result is the same. GET, HEAD, PUT and DELETE methods are idempotent; they can be called any number of times with the same result. Some will argue that DELETE is not idempotent because the second, third, etc. calls can result in an error message, but there are no side-effects to the resource so it is idempotent.[1]

HTTP Methods

HTTP VERB Description Response Code Note
GET Retrieve 200 : OK Code returned in header, data returned in body (bytestream). Idempotent, Safe, linkable, cacheable
POST Create 201 : CREATED Optionally return with a location (URI) of the newly created resource
PUT Update 200 : OK,
Not supported by browsers. Idempotent
DELETE Delete 200 : OK,
Not supported by browsers. Idempotent
HEAD Retrieve 200 : OK HEAD is similar to GET. The significant difference is that the representation is not returned. Rather, only the HTTP header with the various headers is returned. Idempotent, Safe
OPTIONS API description 200 : OK Self describing API
PATCH Patch 200 : OK,
Partial updates, Not supported by browsers.
TRACE Trace 200 : OK The TRACE method is used to invoke a remote, application-layer loop-back of the request message. Used for testing.

HTTP Response codes

CODE Constant Description
200 OK Successfully executed
201 CREATED Successfully executed and a new resources has been created. The response body is either empty or contains a URI(s) of the created resource. The location header should should also contain the new URI
202 ACCEPTED The request was valid and has been accepted but has not yet been processed. The response should include a URI to poll for status updates on the request. Allows for asynchronous request
204 NO_CONTENT The request was successful but the server did not have a response
301 MOVED_PERMANENTLY The new location should be returned in the response
400 BAD_REQUEST Malformed or invalid request
401 UNAUTHORIZED Invalid authorization credentials
403 FORBIDDEN Disallowed request. Security error
404 NOT_FOUND Resource not found
405 METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED Method (verb) not allowed for requested resource. Response will provide an “Allow” header to indicate what is allowed
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE Client submitted a media type that is incompatible for the specified resource.
500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR Catchall for server processing problem
503 SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE Response in the face of too many request

(1) W3 Method Definitions